Always eye on security
Home of Security
The only option for best security company in Morogoro and Tanzania in general, PGS Security is your answer.

What I do

guarding division
We offers you well trained, uniformed and professionally competent security guards who can give a highly visible security presence at your business premises. Our security guards will watch and protect your business premises and assets to your satisfaction. You can enjoy peace of mind while they professionally carry out a range of security chores.
specialised guards for petrolstation.
PGS Security provides security to your gas station funds since petrol filling stations are particularly hazardous workplaces which require to be licensed by Local Authorities because they store and sell a highly flammable liquid.

cctv installation
It pays to have security cameras installed at home, especially now that we’re getting most of the stuff that we buy delivered to our doorstep. Whether you’re concerned about theft or trespassing, security cams help provide peace of mind. Unfortunately, they tend to be really expensive. Luckily, we’ve found these awesome home security camera deals at Best Buy.
Why Choose Me
Accurate Record Keeping
Always On Time
We always ways to do your job on time as possible as we can
Hard Working
Together with our team we work day and night to deliver maximum security.
24/7 Availability
Anytime our team is willing to listen and help to your needs.
What My Clients Say?
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